Baking Crusty French Bread Recipe

Baking Crusty French Bread Recipe

Uncover the joy of baking crusty French bread at home with our straightforward recipe. Delight in the process of creating golden, crisp loaves that capture the essence of traditional French baking, perfect for any occasion. 


Prepare for baking crusty French bread with basic pantry essentials: 

  • High-quality bread flour
  • Water
  • Active dry yeast
  • Salt

Each ingredient contributes to the bread's texture and flavor, ensuring a rewarding baking experience that captures the essence of traditional French baking techniques.

Equipment Needed

Gather essential tools for baking crusty French bread:

  • Mixing bowls.
  • A sturdy mixing spoon or dough hook.
  • Kitchen scale (optional for precise measurements).
  • Clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap for covering the dough during rising, baking sheet or baking stone.
  •  A sharp knife or razor blade for scoring the bread before baking. 

These items are crucial for achieving the perfect crust and texture in your homemade French bread.


Preparing the Dough 

Mix flour, water, yeast, and salt in a bowl until a dough forms. Knead until smooth and elastic, developing gluten for texture. Aim for a soft, slightly sticky dough that springs back when pressed.

First Rise

 After kneading, place the dough in a greased bowl. Cover with a clean cloth or plastic wrap and let it rise in a warm spot. This allows the yeast to ferment and the dough to double in size, typically taking about 1 to 2 hours. 

Shaping the Loaf 

Once the dough has risen, gently deflate it and transfer it to a lightly floured surface. Shape it into a classic French bread shape by folding the edges towards the center and rolling it into a smooth log. Tuck the ends under to create tension on the surface. This step helps the bread retain its shape and promotes an even rise during baking.

Second Rise 

After shaping the loaf, place it on a baking sheet or a floured surface. Cover it loosely with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap. Let it rise again in a warm, draft-free area until it doubles in size, usually for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. This second rise allows the dough to ferment further and develop more flavor while preparing it for baking.


Preheat your oven to a high temperature, usually around 450°F (230°C), with a baking stone or baking sheet inside. Optionally, place a pan of hot water on the bottom rack to create steam, which helps develop a crispy crust. Before baking, score the top of the loaf with a sharp knife to control expansion. Bake until the bread is golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom, typically for 20-25 minutes. Allow the bread to cool on a wire rack before slicing and serving. 

Tips for Success

  • Use high-quality bread flour for better texture.
  • Ensure your yeast is fresh and active for proper rising.
  • Knead the dough thoroughly to develop gluten.
  • Let the dough rise in a warm, draft-free place.
  • Score the loaf before baking to control expansion.
  • Create steam in the oven for a crispy crust.
  • Allow the bread to cool completely before slicing for best texture and flavor.


Enjoy the fruits of your labor with freshly baked crusty French bread. Revel in its golden crust and airy interior, a testament to your baking prowess. Whether served warm with butter or as a companion to meals, savor the satisfaction of homemade bread that brings a touch of French tradition to your table.


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